Draw the Thorgi You Want to See

Mighty Cardigan Thorgi

One self-help creator soundbite I hear about again and again is "Create the art you want to see."  You can also interpret it as "Be the change you want to see" or whatever fits your creative drive. I've come to embrace this phrase.  It has become my personal mantra. And this last weekend I was at Emerald City Comic Con and saw many paintings and illustrations of Corgis, but not one was a Cardigan Corgi.  And us being Cardigan Corgi people here at Short Leg Studio, I realized the time had come to create my own Thorgi.  Black and white now, but a color print coming soon and hopefully a t-shirt. 

Embrace your inner Thorgi and be the change you want to see! 


Thrift Store Painting: A Dungeons and Dragons Edition


Challenges to Keep You From Being Smug