Challenges to Keep You From Being Smug

I had a tough class in yoga this week.  Someone in the class was begging for headstand and our teacher said, okay, and it was pretty much the most uncomfortable class I have ever had.  I felt like I was missing something that everyone else was either getting or wanting from yoga and it made me wonder why I was even doing yoga in the first place.  But a couple days passed and I went to my regular Hatha class and had a nice strong class where I could focus on the poses I knew.  But as I left class, I thought, you know, it's good to practice the things we know but it's probably a good thing to be challenged once in a while as well.  It's reminds me I have a long ways to go.

Find more of my comics at The Gravy Matrix.


Draw the Thorgi You Want to See


Dragon Whips Its Tail