Peek at the The Lair of the Cat Magus Map

Dungeon RPG Map aka Crazy Cat Lady Map

I'm playing around with a new map today: The Lair of the Cat Magus. But what I really mean is the "Crazy Cat Lady" map. I created this for a one-off adventure for my Pathfinder group when a couple of members couldn't make it and we didn't want to proceed with the Adventure Path until everyone was present.

The premise is that this lair is situated underneath an abbey that is built upon some old ruins. The entrance is through the crypts at the bottom of the map. The Magus or Wizard is taking cats and mutating them to spit poison. I'm working on a full key to the map, complete with monsters, undead, traps, and booty.

I hand drew the map, scanned it, adjusted it with Adobe Illustrator and then colored it in with Adobe Photoshop.


Completed Lair of the Cat Magus Map


Dragons and Doodles